Back to School Shoes…Do They Make the Grade?
The new school year is just two weeks away and parents are methodically checking items off their school shopping list. One of the most important items on that list should be foot friendly shoes. On the school bus, in the classroom or on the playground, children need well constructed shoes to help reduce the risk of injury that can lead to more serious problems such as sprains, strains and fractures.
As parents, we all want our children to be happy and content, and at the same time keep them safe and protected. That’s why members of the Canadian Federation of Podiatric Medicine (like Rick Werkman) want to help parents understand the importance of buying properly fitted, supportive shoes that offer protection and comfort.
In spite of what your kids tell you, it isn’t all about fashion. “Not every shoe on the market is a healthy choice”, says Stephen Hartman,Canadian Federation of Podiatric Medicine, “Parents should look for proper toe flexibility, a rigid middle and a stiff heel when purchasing footwear for their children.”
Other factors that should be considered include, buying shoes that do not need a “break-in” period. If they are not comfortable immediately, don’t buy them. And as tempting as it may be, never hand down footwear. Just because a shoe fits one child comfortably does not mean it will fit the other the same way. Also sharing shoes can spread fungi like athlete’s foot or nail fungus.
Children often don’t complain about foot discomfort, that’s why as parents we need to note changes in our children’s feet. It may be necessary to change shoe and sock sizes every few months as your child’s feet grow. Proper foot care is important to the overall health of children.
Talk to your chiropodist or podiatrist at the first sign of foot problems.