Don’t Self-Isolate with Plantar Warts

Published On: January 20, 2021

We are more than halfway through the first month of the New Year! While the start of this year may be different than how we originally envisioned, it comes with a chance to set new goals and explore new possibilities. More than ever, we understand how vital our health is to our overall physical and mental wellbeing. Addressing your foot health concerns is a great way to start off 2021 and keep you on track to achieving your goals. A common foot concern patients have is plantar warts. A plantar wart is often a painful, callous-like growth on the bottom of the foot, complete with tiny black spots in the lesion. Plantar warts are definitely not something we want to keep around in 2021. One of our new year’s resolutions is to ensure that our patients know there is an innovative and effective plantar wart treatment available. 

With the current state of emergency in Ontario, the great news is that our clinic is open for treatments, with all the appropriate COVID-19 precautions in place.


Innovative Wart Treatment: Swift Microwave Therapy

At Werkman, Boven & Associates, we offer Swift Microwave Therapy as a treatment for those stubborn plantar warts. Traditional wart treatments aim to destroy the skin and thus destroy the virus. Swift uses microwave energy to safely pass through the skin and target below the surface. This energy burst activates the body’s own immune response to fight the root cause of plantar warts, the HPV virus.

Traditional wart treatments involve acids or freezing and messy home care kits with longer treatment times and less reliable results. Swift Microwave Therapy involves no home care or creams. Instead, we book several in-clinic appointments, 4 weeks apart. This therapy allows patients to continue daily activities as normal following each treatment, making it an ideal option for the active and busy individual.

The Benefits of Swift Microwave Therapy:

  • High success rate
  • Shorter treatment time
  • No creams, no dressings, no mess
  • No home care required

Research shows 83% of patients undergoing Swift Microwave Therapy see resolution in just four treatments. Review the in-clinic results we have realized with patients.


Perhaps you feel embarrassed to admit you are dealing with this foot problem. Don’t be. This is a very common foot condition and as you have read, there is an effective treatment available! Please give our clinic a call and book your appointment today.


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