Flat Feet!

Published On: October 15, 2013

Whether caused by a congenital situation disease, obesity or improper foot biomechanics, the foot’s arch is non-existent during weight bearing. In fact, overstrained muscles and ligaments in the arch area become painful and fatigued. Orthotics may be recommended.

Walking and running place impressive demands on your foot, no question about it. But your foot is remarkable in its shock absorbing abilities. If you are like most of us as you walk or run, when putting your foot down on the surface, your rear foot rolls to the inside.

As the full impact of your foot strike spreads throughout your foot, your shin rotates internally, taking your foot with it, converting your foot to a shock absorber. The subtalar (the bone on top of your foot where the ankle joins the foot) joint converts the vertical force to longitudinal force, spreading the shock through your entire foot. You adjust the torque to the surface on which you’re walking or running and then continuing your forward motion, instantaneously rotate your foot to the outside. Your foot returns to being rigid, to allow you to lift off again.

It’s a wonderful, miraculous process. In other words, the arch of your foot is like a spring or a shock absorber. It takes the “hit” from your foot plant and keeps it from jarring your knee and hip. However, when the foot is improperly aligned or too hypermobile then prescription, corrective orthotics are often needed. This will allow your foot to continue as a shock absorbing mechanism.

Ready to learn more about flat feet? Talk to us any time!


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