Foot Pain Solutions for Everyday Problems
We applaud the many people who have set a goal to walk 10,000 steps a day. But, if each step takes the brunt of 3 to 4 times our body weight, is it any wonder that 75% of us will experience foot health problems during our lifetime?
At Werkman Foot & Orthotic Clinic in Oakville we provide caring and professional footcare for people of all ages and stages. You may be perfectly healthy, except for that thick and yellow toenail or plantar wart on the bottom of your foot. Have a painful bunion? Perhaps you have trouble cutting your toenails so they don’t dig into your skin and hurt like the dickens. Are you a Type 1 or Type 2 diabetic? You are in a growing segment of the population, and education is critical to maintaining healthy feet when living with diabetes. Love participating in sports, but hate the pain afterwards?
Your qualified and licensed foot health professional, also known as a Chiropodist or Podiatrist, takes care of everyday foot problems and foot pain so you can get on with the business of living!
Book your appointment for a consultation/assessment today and together we can stamp out foot pain for good!