Get Your Spring Foot Check-Up BEFORE Buying New Shoes!
We finally started feeling Spring… and now it’s gone (again). Eventually the month and thermometer will be in perfect harmony and we’ll be able to get outside to walk, run, cycle, and garden, without mittens and toques!
Getting fresh air is important to our overall sense of well-being, made more difficult when your feet, knees or back hurt while you’re trying to enjoy the outdoors.
Spring motivates us to move.
Before you buy those fashionable new walking or cycling shoes, did you ask your feet what type of support they need? If your feet could talk, they’d tell you. Unfortunately, all they can do is express their feelings through pain, discomfort and fatigue when they are unhappy. Who can interpret the needs of your feet? Your Registered Chiropodist can!
Rick Werkman and the team at the Werkman Foot and Orthotic Clinic are footcare professionals who take care of every facet of your feet from routine foot examinations and nail care to specialized diabetic foot care, education and custom orthotics for sports and every day.
Everyone needs to take care of their feet! From the young to the young at heart – we want you to live your best life – foot pain free. Make your appointment for a Spring Foot Check-Up, talk to us about your planned Spring and Summer activities and let us help you put your best foot forward!