Happy Canada Day!

Published On: June 2, 2013

50022013104950Rejoice! We have officially made it to sandal season… and that means only one thing. Your feet and toenails have to be ship-shape for flip flops. We’ve got you covered with these great products and services.

Ugly Toenail? The KeryFlex Nail Restoration System offers an innovative, cosmetic (non- permanent) solution to managing onychomycosis (fungal nail). Safe, nonsystemic in-office application that restores the appearance of the natural nail. Show off your toes! Book your appointment now.

Polish Them Up… with the new Werkman Chiropody Medi-Pedi. Enjoy the application of Dr.’s REMEDY® Enriched Nail Polish to your toenails immediately after your routine footcare appointment. The Werkman Chiropody MediPedi, including your choice of in-stock Dr.’s REMEDY® Enriched Nail Polish, is just $35. Since the MediPedi service is not covered by insurance plans, the amount is billed separately, for your convenience. Book your appointment now.

Have a question about any of these products and services? Just let us know! We’re here to help.


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