Solutions to Ingrown Toenails & Plantar Warts

Published On: September 3, 2024

At Werkman, Boven & Associates, we are committed to providing exceptional foot care services, including various soft tissue surgeries. Our skilled team routinely uses surgical techniques to treat conditions like ingrown toenails and plantar warts.

Partial or Total Nail Avulsion Surgery for Ingrown Toenails

Nail avulsion surgeries offer a long-term solution to the discomfort and pain caused by ingrown toenails. These conditions can result from hereditary factors, trauma, fungal infections, or other underlying issues.

Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA): In a PNA procedure, your Registered Chiropodist will:

  • Administer a local anesthetic to numb the affected toe.
  • Remove the problematic side of the nail.
  • Apply a chemical to prevent the issue from recurring.
  • Bandage the area for protection.

After the procedure, you’ll receive simple at-home care instructions and be scheduled for a follow-up visit the next week to monitor proper healing.


Real Patient Results

Total Nail Avulsion (TNA): A TNA follows the same steps as a PNA, with the key difference being that the entire nail is removed.

To learn more about PNAs, TNAs, or ingrown toenail treatments, please visit these pages on our website:

Falknor’s Needling Procedure for Plantar Warts


Real Patient Results

Falknor’s Needling is a highly effective alternative treatment for stubborn verrucae, also known as plantar warts. By stimulating the body’s immune system to recognize and combat the virus, this procedure creates a controlled inflammatory response that helps eliminate the infection.

This immune response is often systemic, meaning it can affect the entire body. Therefore, treating just one wart or a small cluster of verrucae is usually sufficient. During your appointment, your Registered Chiropodist will:

  • Administer a local anesthetic to numb the area around the lesion.
  • Repeatedly puncture the lesion to push the virus deeper into the tissue.
  • Clean and bandage the area.

You’ll receive easy-to-follow at-home care instructions and be scheduled for a follow-up appointment the following week to monitor your healing progress.

For more details about Falknor’s Needling procedure or plantar warts, visit these pages on our website:

To have this procedure performed, you can schedule an appointment with Stephen Witiuk, Kaitlin Boven, or Lauren Wilkins.

At Werkman, Boven & Associates, we understand the importance of proper foot care and the impact that conditions like ingrown toenails and plantar warts can have on your daily life. Our surgical procedures, including Partial and Total Nail Avulsions and Falknor’s Needling, offer effective and long-lasting solutions to these common issues. By choosing us, you’re entrusting your foot health to a team of dedicated professionals who prioritize your comfort, recovery, and overall well-being.

Whether you’re dealing with the persistent pain of an ingrown toenail or the frustration of stubborn warts, our expert team is here to provide the care you need. Schedule a consultation today and take the first step toward healthier, pain-free feet. 

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