Notification of Commendation
We’re delighted and very proud to share Kaitlin’s Notification of Commendation recently received from Lynne Flynn, Head of Division of Dietetics, Nutrition, Biological Sciences, Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Radiography at Queen Margaret University.
Dear Kaitlin
It gives me great pleasure to inform you that at the recent Board of Examiners it was agreed that you should be sent this notification of commendation. Your academic performance has shown a high average mark for the modules you undertook this academic year.
Please accept my congratulations on behalf of all the staff associated with your programme.
Well done!
Best wishes
Yours sincerely
Lynne Flynn
Exam Board Convenor
Head of Division”
Kaitlin recently completed her 3rd year of the B.Sc. Podiatry program and will be working with us at the Oakville Foot & Orthotic Clinic this summer, treating patients under Rick’s supervision. She will be returning to school in the fall to complete her optional 4th year (Honours) degree. Come and visit Kaitlin this summer. Exceptional footcare runs in the family!