November is Diabetes Awareness Month

Published On: November 4, 2020

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. This month let’s educate ourselves on diabetes and show our support for those living with or at risk of developing this disease. Chiropodists are uniquely qualified to care for diabetic foot issues and are dedicated to healthy feet for the entire family! Book an assessment today!

What is Diabetes?

Let’s start by understanding what diabetes is and what it does to the body. According to Diabetes Canada, diabetes is “a disease in which your body either can’t produce insulin or can’t properly use the insulin it produces.” Insulin is a critical hormone that helps your body control the level of glucose (sugar) in your blood.

There are two types of diabetes:

Diabetes and Your Feet

According to Diabetes Canada, 1 in 3 Canadians has diabetes or prediabetes. Pre-diabetes is a serious health concern where blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as type-2 diabetes. Currently, young adults face a 50% chance of developing this disease in their lifetime. What is also startling is that 70% of all non-traumatic leg and foot amputations are caused by diabetes!

How Does Diabetes Cause Amputations?

Diabetes can cause nerve damage (peripheral neuropathy) and reduce blood flow to the legs and feet (peripheral arterial disease). Due to nerve damage and reduced circulation, many people living with diabetes are less likely to feel a foot injury and have a more difficult time healing. If left unnoticed, untreated, or improperly treated, these injuries can result in serious complications. Our Chiropodists can treat wounds that occur and keep them clean which aids in healing.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” – Benjamin Franklin

Identifying signs of foot problems early and taking immediate action can prevent complications. This is where your Chiropodist comes in. A Chiropodist is professionally trained in Diabetic Footcare and Wound Care Management. They will assess your foot issue and create a treatment plan designed specifically for you.

Your Chiropodist offers:

  • Comprehensive treatment of diabetic ulcers and wounds
  • Diabetic Footcare such as nail trimming, corn/callus removal, treatment of ingrown toenails
  • Education regarding diabetes and your feet
  • Total Contact Casting which is an offloading casting technique used to facilitate wound healing

Kaitlin Boven has a Master’s Degree in Diabetes along with her Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in Podiatry and is a Registered Chiropodist. She will be returning in January after spending the past year caring for her newborn daughter. Book an appointment with Kaitlin so she can expertly assess and care for your feet.

Rest assured, our clinic follows the comprehensive sterilization process outlined by Public Health Ontario and all mandatory COVID-19 safety protocols to ensure our patients’ safety.

If you are living with diabetes, know your risks and take action. Let’s educate ourselves and our loved ones on the dangers and signs of diabetes and take steps to prevent this disease.

Learn more about the proactive approach we take to Diabetic Footcare and education at Werkman, Boven & Associates in Oakville. Visit our website or stay tuned to our social media to understand the Dos and Don’ts of proper diabetic footcare. Call to book your diabetic footcare appointment today.

*Diabetes Canada is committed to adopting a national diabetes strategy to reduce the prevalence of diabetes in our communities. For more information on diabetes or to support the work of Diabetes Canada, please visit their website*


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