Pain, Pain Go Away!
Solution to Pain #1: Nail Surgery for Painful Ingrown Nails
Have you ever experienced the pain of an ingrown toenail? The nail cuts into the side of the toe, creating a shooting pain as it puts pressure on the nerves. Ouch! Ingrown nails are the result of the toenail being driven into the toe by shoes (or boots) that are too tight. They occur most frequently alongside the big toe. Ingrown toenails may also be caused by injury, fungal infection, psoriasis, heredity, or poor foot structure. Learn more about ingrown toenails.
Why is ingrown nail surgery sometimes necessary?
Chronic ingrown nails can lead to health issues, particularly if infection is present. These complications can become serious, especially in people with diabetes, circulatory problems, or problems with immunity. In these cases, your Registered Chiropodist may remove a portion or all of the offending nail(s) to alleviate the pain, infection, and potential for other issues.
What are some of the potential complications of untreated ingrown nails?
Infection, if present, may spread to the foot, leg, or into the blood stream. The nail plate may be lost or damaged from infection or inflammation. Chronic ingrown nails can cause deformity of the nail plate and/or surrounding soft tissues. A small benign tumor called a granuloma can form along the nail margin.
What happens at an ingrown nail surgery?
Ingrown nail surgery is painless, as the toe is “put to sleep” using a local anaesthetic. A chemical is applied during the procedure to ensure that the ingrown part of the nail does not grow back. Post-operative discomfort is also minimal, and any discomfort is usually treated with over the counter pain medicine. The wound heals completely in four to six weeks. During this time it is simply dressed. Some cases may require a topical or oral antibiotic. After healing, the nail is normal in appearance but just a little more narrow than before (unless your Chiropodist recommends removing the entire nail)
When it’s time to look for a permanent solution to your persistent ingrown toenails, look no further than the Oakville Foot & Orthotic Clinic and the offices of J. Richard Werkman. Rick is Licensed for Nail Surgery, Local Anesthesia, and Injections to the foot.
Solution to Pain #2: Injections for Relief of Pain
Corticosteroids and/or local anesthetic injections to the foot may be used to treat localized pain and inflammation. They can be used for conditions such as heel pain, bursitis, metatarsalgia, and Morton’s neuroma. They can only be administered by Registered Chiropodists in accordance with Province of Ontario Regulations and Standards of Practice. Learn more about nail surgery and injections.
You do not need a doctor’s referral to consult with a Registered Chiropodist regarding Ingrown Nail Surgery, Local Anesthesia, or Injections. You may want to check your Third Party/Extended Health Care Plan for coverage as you may be covered for these services.
When you’ve had enough of pain, talk to us! We want to help you live life to the fullest! Request an appointment today!