Pedicures are Becoming a Huge Health Risk!
Many thanks to a Werkman Chiropody patient for allowing us to publish these pictures of a “bad pedicure” and what it took to treat what was really going on beneath the nail.
“Debridement”, by the way, is the medical removal of dead, damaged, or infected tissue to improve the healing potential of the remaining healthy tissue.
In short, pedicures are becoming a huge health risk!
We know it’s a challenge trying to determine whether your “nail salon of choice” is following proper sterilization methods, but the other culprit is nail polish that’s “double-dipped” exponentially and can contain more fungus and bacteria than any of us can even pronounce. You can eliminate one health risk by taking your own base coat, colour, and top coat.
If these pictures didn’t convince you to take extreme care, learn more at:
Bad pedicures are more than lousy polish application! They’re about your good foot health. If your nails become thick, discoloured, or flakey see your Chiropodist/Podiatrist today! Together we can stamp out bad pedicures!