Performance Review on New Year’s Resolutions (ohhh)
Ever wonder how many people make New Year’s Resolutions and how many actually achieve them? We found some interesting statistics on Statistic Brain, verified by the University of Scranton, Journal of Clinical Psychology related to the return on investment (ROI) for making New Year’s resolutions. Here are the highlights (or should we say low-lights):
- Of the Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions made for 2014, three of them can be affected by the comfort and condition of your feet! (1) lose weight; (2) enjoy life to the fullest; (3) staying fit and healthy.
- Of the 45% who usually make New Year’s Resolutions, only 46% make it past the six month mark. We wonder how many casualties are a result of improper footwear and/or footcare?
- Only 14% of people over 50 actually achieve their resolution. Could pain in the heel, arch, knee or footbe the culprit?
The team at Werkman Chiropody care about helping you achieve your New Year’s Resolutions by offering exceptional footcare, properly fitting footwear and good foot support! Talk to us!