Relief for Ingrown Toenails and Plantar Fasciitis
Ingrown Toenails
An ingrown toenail makes you painfully aware of a toe you wouldn’t otherwise notice. As the side of the nail digs into the skin, it gets irritated and causes pain. Lots of pain. If an ingrown toenail breaks the skin, bacteria and infection set in, and that will make it even more painful. A red, swollen, hot and very painful ingrown toenail is probably infected.
Common causes of ingrown toenails include footwear that does not fit properly, trauma to the toe, improper trimming, heredity, and pedicures if the toenail is cut back too aggressively.
At-home treatments for ingrown toenails. Sometimes, you can treat your ingrown toenails at home. If your ingrown toenail doesn’t show any of the signs of infection — swelling, hot to the touch, oozing, foul odour — you might try letting the nail grow out. Another treatment option is to soak the offending foot in warm water with Epsom salts or a mild detergent, then apply an antibiotic ointment and bandage to the toe. The third at-home treatment option is to remove it yourself if there’s no infection (not recommended for those who are squeamish).
Best treatment advice. See a licensed Chiropodist or Podiatrist for infected ingrown toenails. If you aren’t completely confident that you can deal with treatment at home, a Chiropodist or Podiatrist can perform the procedure under a local anesthetic.
Never ignore an infected ingrown nail. A prolonged infection can spread and lead to serious complications, especially if you suffer from poor blood flow, an impaired immune system, or diabetes. Children and adolescents often show signs of ingrown toenails because of sudden growth spurts that crowd feet into socks and shoes that are too short or tight. Parents of children and adolescents living with diabetes need to be vigilant with daily foot checks.
Plantar Fasciitis
Heel pain may be the result of inflammation of the plantar fascia that connects your heel to your toes. A sure sign of plantar fasciitis is when the pain presents itself in the morning or after resting. Calcium deposits in the heel bone, often known as a heel or bone spur, may also be the root cause, as this would lead to more strain on the ligaments that stretch across the underside of the foot.
Common causes of plantar fasciitis include age, weight gain, a rapid increase in exercise, or wearing the wrong shoes. Nearly 3/4 of high-heel wearing women suffer from plantar fasciitis. Ouch!
Plantar fasciitis treatment. If you experience heel pain for three months or more, and rest and new footwear don’t help, make an appointment with a Chiropodist or Podiatrist. If you receive treatment early on, it’s easier to alleviate the pain and prevent a recurrence. Your Chiropodist or Podiatrist will carefully assess your problem and suggest appropriate treatment.
Treatment options may include custom made orthotics that provide dynamic cushioning. Severe plantar fasciitis cases may require foot taping, a stint in a soft boot, non-steroidal medications, or cortizone shots.
Simple stretches may help ease the pain. Cross your right leg over your left knee and grab your toes with your right hand. Press your right foot toward your right knee, holding for three seconds. Release stretch and pull right foot away from knee. Repeat five times. Switch legs and repeat the same sequence.
Don’t delay treatment. If severe heel pain appears out of nowhere, seek treatment from a licensed footcare provider (Chiropodist or Podiatrist) immediately. Extremely athletic people can actually rupture their plantar fascia, which may take a few weeks of recovery with a boot and crutches.
Your feet are your foundation for life! Optimize foot health with your Chiropodist or Podiatrist today.