What Happens During Routine Foot and Nail Care Appointments?
You may think the word “routine” sounds common, but proper foot and nail care is quite comprehensive! A regular (or routine) foot and nail care appointment with a Registered Chiropodist includes the following.
- toenail cutting and thinning down thickened toenail(s) (if required)
- debriding corn or callus (if required)
- monitoring of existing and new moles and warts
- exfoliation (if required)
- the application of moisturizer (if you would like)

What Happens During the Initial (First Time) Foot Care Check-Up?
During your first appointment with your Werkman, Boven & Associates Chiropodist, they will ask you medical and lifestyle questions. This information is very helpful in allowing the Chiropodist to get to know you and your feet and also to understand your current concerns and needs. Your feet will be in caring hands. If you’d like, you can download and complete our Patient Information Form prior to your first appointment.
An initial (first time) foot care check-up includes:
- comprehensive foot, nail, skin and ankle exam
- assessing range of motion, gait analysis, circulation, sensation, colour,
- digital photos of both your feet
- mapping of lesions (corns, calluses, moles and warts)
- diabetic foot screening (if required)
- presentation and discussion of treatment options (including immediate treatment if applicable)
Everyday foot problems/conditions that are treated by Registered Chiropodists are:
We invite you to learn more about the foot-related conditions we treat, foot care products, and complimentary services we offer in our Oakville office.
Book an appointment with your family-friendly Chiropodist today and look forward to having a great tomorrow – putting your best feet forward!