Foot Related Conditions
Ingrown Toenails
This condition occurs when the toenail’s edge is driven into the toe, usually by shoes (or boots) that are too tight. Ingrown toenails occur most frequently alongside the big toe. The nail cuts into the side of the toe, creating a shooting pain as it puts pressure on the nerves. Ingrown toenails may also be caused by injury, fungal infection, psoriasis, heredity, or poor foot structure.
in•grown toe•nail
A condition in which the edges of the nail grow into the surrounding skin.
What is it?
An ingrown toenail is a condition in which the edges of the nail grow into the surrounding tissue.
What does it look like?
Ingrown toenails start swollen and tender. Left untreated, they may become increasingly sore, red, and infected. The surrounding skin may begin to grow over the ingrown toenail.
Infected, the area becomes extremely painful. Red, swollen and pus-filled blisters may develop. At this stage, you need the help of your Chiropodist.
What can my Chiropodist do?
Here at Werkman, Boven & Associates, we offer two options for caring for an ingrown toenail.
- Routine nail care every few weeks, in which our footcare practitioners will cut your toenails to the proper length and shape.
- Nail surgery, a more permanent solution where our registered chiropodists will remove a small portion of the nail’s side. You can watch a short video (Trigger Warning: Blood, needles, graphic content) on a procedure that Richard Werkman performed.
Those living with Diabetes should never attempt to remove an ingrown toenail.
Rather than waiting for the condition to resolve on its own, we suggest that you contact the Oakville Foot & Orthotic Clinic and make an appointment with Richard Werkman or Kaitlin Boven, Registered Chiropodists, Licensed for Nail Surgery and Local Anesthesia.
How do I prevent ingrown toenails?
- Wear proper-fitting footwear with enough room in the toe area of the shoe or boot.
- Regularly trim your toenails straight across, not curved at the edge.
- Ensure that shoes and socks are not too tight.
- Keep feet clean at all times.
Articles of Interest
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