Frequently Asked Questions2025-02-26T11:06:22-05:00

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few of the questions we are asked most often. If you don’t see your question listed here, or the answer we’ve provided doesn’t quite satisfy your needs, please get in touch with us. Your inquiries are welcomed! Feel free to search our blog for additional information too by entering your query in the search bar.

You’ve got questions, and we’ve got answers!

We’re experts in the art of communication. Our job isn’t done until you are entirely comfortable with our consultation, assessment, treatment options, and foot care!

In Canada, chiropody and podiatry are interchangeable terms defined as “the treatment and prevention of disease or disorders of the foot by therapeutic or orthotic means.” Chiropodists and podiatrists undergo extensive training; many have taken seven or eight years of post-secondary school training before beginning to practice. They are the only regulated foot professionals educated exclusively in assessing and treating foot disorders. The main difference is that, in Ontario, podiatrists are often able to perform more extensive soft tissue and bony surgeries than chiropodists.

No, referrals are not required. However, feel free to ask your family physician to write a referral for you if it will help you communicate with us. We have provided many doctors in the area with referral pads so they can easily and effectively communicate their recommendations to our clinic. The referral page is also available on our website here.

Yes! Booking an appointment allows us to ensure that a proper assessment and treatment can be completed, all of your needs are taken care of, and your questions answered. Contact us to book an appointment.

Your first appointment is a combination of consultation and treatment. You will complete a medical history and consent form and reviewed by your Chiropodist before your appointment. A complete examination and assessment of your feet are conducted, looking for and checking:

  • lesions – corns, calluses, warts, moles, wounds, ulcers
  • range of motion/gait analysis (foot function), circulation, sensation, colour
  • digital photos of both your feet are taken

The chiropodist will present treatment options and discuss them, answering your questions and deciding on the next steps.

Extended Health Insurance most often covers routine foot care – under the heading Paramedical Services. Most insurance policies allow for $500 per calendar or benefit year for chiropody/podiatry services.

Our Chiropodists are trained and equipped to handle foot health emergencies. If an infection is suspected, we can prescribe antibiotics without going to the emergency room or seeing your family doctor. Suppose a foreign body or ingrown toenail is present. In that case, we can provide treatment to clear the foreign body or nail spike and provide local anesthesia or surgical removal on-site if required.

Contact us by phone, email, or use our Appointment Request form, and a member of our team will set up an appointment with you to assess your concern and provide treatment.

No, you do not have to pay for parking. We offer free parking outside our office, right at our doors. We are conveniently located on Cornwall Road, east of Trafalgar, between Morrison Road and Maple Grove Drive on the north side of the street at 1295 Cornwall Road, Unit A1, Oakville, ON L6J 7T5.

Yes! We are located in a fully accessible building with easy access for those with wheelchairs, scooters or walkers.

Yes! We will call, email, or send an SMS to you the week before and the day before your appointment.

Yes, we do. Patients living with Diabetes need to pay proper attention to their feet as problems may occur due to either circulation or nerve changes. We provide comprehensive Diabetic foot care and education, including treating foot ulcers and wounds. Kaitlin Boven has her Masters Degree in Diabetes and is especially well-equipped to assess and treat any concerns you may have with your feet concerning Diabetes.

Typically, foot ulcer and wound care management consists of wound evaluation, debridement, topical antibiotics, appropriate dressings, footwear advice, padding, insoles or orthotics. In addition, Chiropodist Kaitlin Boven has completed training on Total Contact Casting (TCC), a casting technique used to heal Diabetic foot ulcers, with reported healing rates of about 90% in 6 weeks. It works by redistributing weight off of your foot ulcer so it can heal. People living with diabetes are especially prone to developing ulcers. It is vital to treat foot injuries right away.

Yes. If you suspect you have an ingrown toenail, contact our office to book an appointment for a consultation and treatment with one of our chiropodists.

No. Unfortunately, OHIP does not cover Chiropody services. Chiropody is similar to services provided by other health care professionals, such as Registered Massage Therapists, Physiotherapists, Audiologists, Speech-Language Pathologists, and Chiropractors. However, many Extended Health Insurance plans cover Chiropody fees. Check your coverage. Official receipts are always provided for insurance reimbursement or income tax purposes.

No. We strongly recommend determining your eligibility for coverage by reviewing your plan and contacting your insurance provider or your HR department. You can often find our services listed within your explanation of benefits booklet under the heading Paramedical Services. Custom-made prescription orthotics are usually listed under the heading Medical Equipment or Orthopaedic Supplies. We provide official receipts for insurance reimbursement or income tax purposes.

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