November is Diabetes Awareness Month

Published On: November 1, 2022

November is Diabetes Awareness month so let’s educate ourselves on diabetes and show our support for those living with or at risk of developing this disease.

Chiropodists are uniquely qualified to care for diabetic foot issues and are dedicated to healthy feet for the entire family. Identifying signs of foot concerns early and taking immediate action can prevent complications, including wounds, infection and even amputations. If you are living with diabetes, know your risks and take action. Learn more about our proactive approach to diabetic foot care and education at Werkman, Boven & Associates.

What is Diabetes


Diabetes Canada defines diabetes as “a disease in which your body either can’t produce insulin or can’t properly use the insulin it produces.” Insulin is a critical hormone that helps your body control glucose (sugar) levels in your blood.

This month, take a moment to browse the Diabetes Canada website for extensive resources for people living with diabetes and educate yourself on this common disease. This includes:

  1. About Diabetes. Information about the disease and how Diabetes Canada helps those affected. Test your knowledge and learn more about complications.
  2. Recently Diagnosed? For more information about the next steps for your particular diagnosis.
  3. Prediabetes. Knowing the signs and symptoms of diabetes will help you to identify possible diabetes earlier.
  4. Managing Diabetes. Discover tools, resources, tips and recipes to manage diabetes better.

Learn as much as you can about preventing complications. If left untreated or improperly managed, diabetes can lead to various complications, including heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, blindness, amputation and more. Diabetes Canada is a great resource to begin.

Diabetic fact

What can your Chiropodist do for you?

Your Chiropodist offers:

  • Comprehensive treatment of diabetic ulcers and wounds
  • Diabetic foot care, such as nail trimming, corn or callus removal, and treatment of ingrown toenails
  • Education on diabetes and your feet
  • Total Contact Casting, which is an offloading casting technique used to facilitate wound healing

Looking after your feet is an integral part of managing diabetes. See your Chiropodist today! Request an appointment below. 

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