Athlete’s Foot: A Fungus Among Us

Published On: December 13, 2022

If you have an artistic eye, you have a positive trait with a pension for creativity and design. If you have Athlete’s foot, you, unfortunately, have a fungal infection. How unfair. Athlete’s foot, or tinea pedis, is a fungal infection typically characterized by red, cracked skin which can turn into thickened, itchy white patches and is often between the toes.


🍄 Fungi, called dermatophytes, infect the skin and can enter the skin through small cracks or wounds, infecting the top layer of skin and causing Athlete’s foot. The fungi will grow and spread in the ideal mix of warmth and moisture, commonly found between the toes. 

Direct skin contact is how the fungi pass from person to person. Unfortunately, this also includes contact with skin flakes as well. A common spot to contract a fungal infection is a public shower, such as at a swimming pool, where you may step on some flakes and become infected.

What can you do:

  • Keep feet clean, dry, and cool.
  • Avoid using swimming pools, public showers, or foot baths.
  • Wear sandals when possible or air shoes out by alternating them every 2-3 days.
  • Avoid wearing closed shoes and socks made from fabric that doesn’t dry quickly (for example, nylon).
  • Treat the infection with recommended medication from your medical practitioner.
  • Dry your feet after washing them, particularly between your toes – dab them dry rather than rubbing them
  • Use a separate towel for your feet and wash them regularly
  • Take your shoes off when at home
  • Wear clean socks every day – cotton socks are best
  • Wear sandals in public showers and pools.

If you’re unsure if you have Athlete’s foot or would like your chiropodist’s recommendations about treatment, request an appointment using the form below. We look forward to hearing from you and providing exceptional foot care for you and your family.

    Contains information from: 

    Athlete’s foot. (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2022, from

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017, February 6). Hygiene-related diseases. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved December 1, 2022, from

    NHS. (n.d.). Athlete’s foot. NHS choices. Retrieved December 1, 2022, from

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